FC Long Beach B06 SIlver Elite

Boys born January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006

FC Long Beach B06 SIlver Elite

This dedicated group of players has earned their way to Silver Elite placement in the up and coming season! They are currently looking for 2-3 high level players to fill their roster for the transition to 11v11 season.  If interested in joining this high level, fun team, please contact Coach Jared to participate with the team in practice and play to see if it is a mutual fit. 

2017- 2018 Coast Soccer League Silver West Champions 

  • 2017 Coast Soccer League Silver West Champions
  • Anaheim Surf Cup Flight 1 Champions
  • FCLB Winter Cup Finalist

2015 - 2016 Coast Soccer League Silver South Bracket

Head Coach Team Administrator
Jared Lehenbauer Suzie Oliveira
562.569.4380 562.310.2806
jay14lbc@yahoo,com fclbb205@gmail.com


Team Training

5:30PM to 7:00PM on Mondays and Wednesdays
Bancroft Middle School
5301 Centralia Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90808